
UPDATE – 08 June 2007

I shall be selling the PCB and possibly the PIC (blank or programmed) in the shop. Please check regularly for stock.

While working on the MMieC project another came to my attention, together with Jussi (who did the hard work) a new smaller PCB was developed off the back of all the projects to create a tiny DTV targetted MMC reader.
The 1541-III project by Jan Derogee was the most complete project from which Jussi took the source code. My MMieC was the smallest, and the basic design/idea was taken from that to create hardware that could run Jan’s code on a simple hardware interface.

Credits go to,
Jan Derogee – for all his work on the 1541-III without which I doubt this could have happened, the IEC protocol is horrible but Jan did wonders with his source. Jussi Saily – For redesigning the PCB layout and fixing the source to fit the new hardware. He put a lot of effort into this and again, without him this wouldnt have been possible.

UPDATE 4/10/2006 –
Jan has incorperated detection of boards into his design. There is now no need for me to supply seperate firmware images. Please visit Jan’s site for more information on firmware.

UPDATE 1/10/2006 –
Following feedback on the units and design discusion we are improving the design. Jan is working on some firmware improvements and we are incorperating this into the next batch. Also we have corrected a couple of issues discovered from user feedback with the layout of the board.
Please thank Jussi for all his work doing the board layout!

UPDATE 25/09/2006 –
Ok, the new profesional PCB has been made, the firmware has been updated and we are now selling full kits and assembled units on the purchase page. You can still make your own using the instructions below, but a full kit with PCB and assembled units can be purchased instead.

Anyway, the final project is here..
Firmware Update – Updated firmware .hex with bugfixes by Jan
Firmware (original) – Just the .hex file for pic programming
Schematic – PDF version of the design
PCB and Jumper wires – JPG of the PCB for wire placement
Complete archive – ALL pcb design items in Gerber format for building your own from scratch
Batch 1 Schematic – PDF for Original Batch
Batch 2 Schematic – PDF for 2nd revision PCB
Batch 3 Schematic – PDF for Final 3rd revision PCB

Batch 3 PCB Files – Final revision of PCB layout

The main PCB is a single layer board with a dozen or so jumper wires to solder. There are 2 ics, the PIC and an rs232 driver. A few passive components and your done!

Here is the PCB Provided by Jussi, and then the manufactured one we are selling…

And again with the ICs in place (No drilling or soldering done yet!) and a fully assembled unit for sale.

If you build your own PCB using the layout provided the jumper wires are from auto-routing the board, a little thought and checking of the schematic can reduce the amount of jumper wires needed if you look! There are no jumpers required on the new 2 layer board for sale.

FIrmware Upgrades –
Here are the latest firmware releases for the 1541-III-DTV
The Bootloader on its own
V1 Shipping firmware
V1+bootloader firmware
Updated firmware

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